
WELCA Quilters meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the Month from 8AM until noon

Pastor’s Bible Study meets Thursday’s at 10:30AM

AA meets downstairs in the Gym on Saturday and Sunday evening around 6PM

District  59 AA meets the 2nd Monday night at 6PM

Families Helping Families meets in the Gym Tuesday evenings from 6PM to 8PM

Congregational Church Council meets the 2nd Tuesday of the Month at 7PM

Jubilate Choir rehearses on Sunday afternoon from 1:30pm until 3PM thru May 21 and then again in the Fall it meets beginning in late August or early September to prepare for our Christmas Concert.

Bell Choir and Senior Choir rehearse on Wednesday evenings, schedule varies.

Girl Scouts meet on Monday and Wednesday evening, two different groups.

Bloomsburg Early Music Workshop meets for its annual gathering over Labor Day weekend.

Congregation Council – 2024

Mike Canty, President

John Fridman, Vice President

Jana Wagner, Secretary

Brad Miller, Treasurer

David Keller, Kathy Stewart, Denise Lorenz, John Kula, Pastor Joel Zeiders