Monthly Newsletter – September 2024

The mission goes on

Dear friends,

Dear friends,

By now almost all of you will have heard of my retirement, effective January 1, 2025, through one channel or another.

While I’m here, through the end of 2024, worship and ministry will go on, with very little change from the past.

In January, you’ll enter a period where you will all effectively become leaders. Our Outreach ministries will go on, and need your participation. The Call Committee will seek your input as you begin to search for a new pastor. Council will ask for your assistance in staffing worship and all that happens here. As Bishop Miller told Council in September, the work and mission here is the peoples’ work. It belongs to you as you each serve Christ. The church is always about much more than the person who serves as pastor.

What a good bunch of people of God you are! I know you’ll hold together because of who you are. Keep watching for information on what is happening, and what’s coming up, and give thought to how your gifts, talents and time can be put to use doing God’s work here at St Matt.

A fellow servant,

A fellow servant,
Pastor Joel

Parish Register


Corey Lee Harner ~ January 15, 1982 – August 28, 2024

Marian A. Reifer ~ January 16, 1970 – August 31, 2024

Wilson J. Broadt, Jr. ~ February 13, 1953 – September 11, 2024

*Friend of St Matthew  

Rest eternal grant them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them.

If it is difficult for you to make it to Sunday worship and you’d like to have the office email you the weekly bulletin, please send us a message and we’ll add you to the list.

Music Ministry

Senior Choir & Handbell Choir:  The choirs are back in full swing for the fall season.  While there continues to be fewer of us, especially in the senior choir, we hope that you might consider joining us on a Sunday morning to experience the fellowship of our singers.  The handbell choir is pleased to welcome Erica and Mackenzie Rhone to the group!  Should you have interest in learning how to play the bells, there is a place for you!

Jubilate Choir: The Jubilate Choir began weekly rehearsals on September 22nd with a fantastic response from both singers and instrumentalists.  The brass ensemble will be joining the choir later in the season in preparation of an   exciting and dynamic concert.  The concerts are scheduled for Saturday, December 7th at 7pm and Sunday, December 8th at 3pm.  Sponsorships for the 2024 concert will be announced in the coming weeks and will appear in the November’s newsletter.  We are grateful for the on-going support in this 19th season of Jubilate.  Please mark your calendars and extend invitations to those in our community! 

Reformation: October 31st marks the 507th anniversary of the Reformation—an event that forever changed the course of our faith and the world.  As we approach Reformation Sunday on October 27th, we are called to not only reflect on the powerful lessons Christ has taught us but also to embrace the ongoing challenge to live out our faith more fully.  The Reformation is not just a historical moment—it is a living, breathing reminder that faith is a journey, always calling us to renewal, growth, and action.

Today’s Reformation is as relevant as yesterday’s, and it will continue to be just as vital tomorrow.  Let us celebrate the boldness of those who came before us while striving to be the agents of grace, love, and change in the world today.

“A mighty fortress is our God, a bulwark never failing;

our helper he, amid the flood of mortal ills prevailing.

For still our ancient foe does seek to work us woe;

his craft and power are great, and armed with cruel hate,

on earth is not his equal.” ~Martin Luther

Yours In Christ


Pastor’s Class

Pastor’s Class—Bible Study, resumes Thursdays at 10:30am beginning October 10. 

We’re taking up the book of Esther—perhaps God has brought you to exactly where you’re needed right now. It’s a great story; join us! 

The conversation is always scintillating.

Healing in the Time after Pentecost 7pm, Tuesday, Oct. 1.

Bless the Animals, Bless Our Bodies—Healing & Blessing of Animals Tuesday, October 1, 7pm

First Tuesday of the month is our regular Healing Service; in recent years, we’ve made it tradition to also bless the animals and our pets at this service, close to St. Francis’ day.  Bring your pet to the service, and we’ll offer thanks and ask God’s blessing on them for the ways they bless our lives.  We’ll also ask God for healing—for ourselves, for creation, for our families and friends, our community, for the world.

Looking Ahead

Worship in October

Tuesday, Oct. 1, 7pm – Healing and Blessing of Animals (see above; you may bring your pets)

Sunday, Oct. 6, 9am – Pentecost 20

Sunday, Oct. 13, 9am – Pentecost 21 – Of the Land and Seasons (Autumn) – Thanks for the harvest 

Sunday, Oct. 20, 9am – Pentecost 22  Healing Rite – Anointing and Laying On of Hands at worship  

Sunday, Oct. 27, 9am – Reformation Sunday


¨ Sunday Nov. 3 – All Saints Sunday – Remembrance of those who have died

      Congregation Meeting (Nominations to Congregation Council) follows worship

¨ Tuesday, Nov. 5, 7pm – Healing for the Saints of God   Laying on of hands and anointing for healing.

¨ Saturday, Nov. 9, 9am – Prayer Breakfast

¨ Sunday, Nov. 10, 9am – Pentecost 25

¨ Sunday, Nov. 17 – Pentecost 26  Congregation Meeting (Budget & Election) follows worship

¨ Sunday, Nov. 24 – Christ the King

¨ AA meets in the gym on Saturdays and Sundays at 7 pm.

¨ Families Helping Families meets in the gym Tuesday evenings 6-8pm

Worship & Music meets 6pm, Tuesday Oct 1 (preceding Healing at 7pm). It’s an important meeting, firming up worship through Advent & Christmas seasons, looking ahead to leadership in worship through the time of pastoral vacancy. The meeting is open to all with an interest worship, and especially Altar Guild, worship helpers and musicians.

¨ Did you know that over $1,100 a month is given electronically by members of St. Matthew? 

      Automated giving provides convenience for you and cash-flow consistency for St. Matthew.  Getting started is easy.  Additional information is available from the church office.

¨ THRIVENT MEMBERS:  Please remember that you must redirect your Thrivent Choice Dollars each year.  If you do not redirect your Choice Dollars yearly, Thrivent will choose a charity to receive your Choice Dollars.  Please consider redirecting your Choice Dollars to St. Matthew  Lutheran Church in Bloomsburg.  If you have any questions please contact Randy Ruckle or Elaine StaufferMany thanks to St Matt Thrivent members who direct their choice dollars giving to our mutual benefit! 

¨ Follow St. Matthew on Facebook!  Watch for online updates, info, and reminders.

Fall Giving Project  

Personal Hygiene Kits for New Possibilities Resource & Recovery Drop-in Center

All Toiletry products must be NEW and be alcohol-free and aerosol-free.

All items must be in original packaging and unopened


Stick Deodorant (no aerosol)

Toothbrush and toothpaste

Travel size Shampoo & Conditioner

Bar of Soap (in box or wrapper)

Comb/brush (in original packaging)

Disposable Razor (small pack of 2 or 3)

Travel sized Shaving Cream

Travel sized Hair Styling Products (pump hair spray only)

Feminine hygiene product (small box of tampons or pads for 1 week)

You are not expected to assemble all the items for a kit. You might collect one kind of item only, or a few of the items. The Social Ministry Committee will assemble kits to go to New Possibilities. St Matt has committed to 10 kits.  To assist in your shopping, see the helpful list of Approved Items in this issue.


Dear Pastor Joel, Alan & members of St Matthew,

Thank you so much for letting us use your beautiful church for the Bloom Early Music Workshop!

Thanks to you, 17 musicians and singers, some from as far away as Toronto and Washington, DC, were able to spend a weekend making beautiful music, which they’ll bring back to their hometowns. They also made new friendships—some who had no one to play with at home met people who live near by who they’ll get together with now. You literally brought more harmony to the world!

We couldn’t put on the workshop without your wonderful building. So we took up a collection for the church during our community presentation, and are donating some money of our own.

Thank you again for making such a wonderful weekend possible!


Susan Schwartz, Director, Bloom Early Music Workshop

THRIVENT MEMBERS:  Please remember that you must redirect your Thrivent Choice Dollars each year.  If you do not redirect your Choice Dollars yearly, Thrivent will choose a charity to receive your Choice Dollars.  Please consider redirecting your Choice Dollars to St. Matthew  Lutheran Church in Bloomsburg.  If you have any questions please contact Randy Ruckle or Elaine StaufferMany thanks to St Matt Thrivent members who direct their choice dollars giving to our mutual benefit! 

Congregation Council Highlights

Congregation Council Highlights

(Sept. 10 mtg.)

Bishop Miller opened the meeting with prayer. Pastor Zeiders then announced his retirement effective January 1, 2025. Pr. Joel’s final worship service will be New Year’s Eve. Bishop Miller spoke to the Council about the beginning of the process for Interim Pastoral leadership and preparation for calling a new pastor to St Matthew. The Bishop’s Assistant will attend the October Council meeting to get the process rolling. It will likely take some time for all things to come together. There will be much more conversation, many more updates to come as events unfold.

In his report, Pr. Joel expressed overwhelming gratitude for his time at St Matthew and grief at the prospect of leaving. We will have time for conversation together, and Pr. Joel will do everything possible to ready the congregation and its leaders for the transition.

Council is working on getting firm bids to repair pest damage at the parsonage.

The Community Blessing Box continues to be heavily used—the liturgy celebrating the ministry for God’s Work. Our Hands. Day was a good event, and garnered many additional contributions to the Blessing Box.  The generosity of the congregation was noted in supporting the Blessing Box, the Food Cupboard, the Columbia Co. Christian Fair Ministry, and Bundles of Blessings simultaneously.

The Early Music Workshop hosted by St Matt August 30-Sept 1 went very well. Worship was enriched by music from Workshop participants.

We had special music at worship from late July – mid-September. Thanks to all who shared gifts. As the choirs resume, we also thank those  musicians for their contribution to our worship.

Sunday School has resumed at 10:15am. Thanks to teachers.

Pastor’s Class (Bible Study) resumes Thursdays at 10:30am beginning Oct. 10.

Worship & Music Committee meets 6pm Oct. 1. We’ll cover the time through the Advent & Christmas  seasons and work on a schedule for special worship services, and look into 2025.

à Council discussed nominations to Council (election Nov. 17). John Kula is completing a one-year term, is eligible for reelection, and willing to serve again. Mike Canty has completed two terms and is ineligible for reelection.  There are two open seats for three-year terms. Especially with a pastoral vacancy in 2025, it would be good to fill both these seats. John Kula volunteered to approach two members whose names were recommended to Council’s consideration.

Give a ride to worship

We’re renewing our list of folks who can provide a ride to worship for our members without transportation. If you can help out with this at any time, please contact the church office or speak to Pastor Joel.

(worship is always livestreamed on the St Matthew Facebook page)—many thanks to our Camera Crew we’re seeking another Camera Crew member—could that be you?)

Equal Exchange

Chocolate bars – mint crunch, orange infused, milk, very dark 71%, extra dark Panama 80%. 

Also many varieties of organic teas, 2 kinds of hot cocoa.

And the exotic!—Dried Mango. 

Full-flavored, fairly-traded, organic, wholesale prices for you;

the gift of life for the growers/ producers as members in the Equal Exchange co-op.  

Plus, Organic Virgin Olive Oil and Dates from Palestine.

Available on the cart on Sundays and whenever the church office is open.

Did you know that over $1,000/month is given electronically by members of St. Matthew? 

Automated giving provides convenience for you and cash-flow consistency for St. Matthew.

Getting started is easy. Check out the giving portal on our homepage:

¨ Many thanks to St Matt Thrivent members who direct their choice dollars giving to the ministry of St Matt and our mutual benefit! 

¨ Follow St. Matthew on Facebook! 

Don’t Let The Food Cupboard Go Bare!

      help the Bloomsburg Food Cupboard serve 275+ families each week. 

In October we’re collecting Panther Pack items—To be announced—watch at worship and on the Facebook page!

Before each weekend or break, elementary school students in the Panther Pack program are sent home with a bag of breakfast, lunch and snack items. The Food Cupboard is helping families in our communities feed their children while they are not in school. Currently, there are over 250 packs made each week… let’s collect enough to fill the packs for one week!    

St Matthew offers Equal Exchange fairly-traded products at wholesale prices throughout the year. 

Fairly-traded means that everyone in the supply chain is compensated fairly and is able to work in a healthy environment.  Equal Exchange trades only with farmer cooperatives who vote and together decide how to use their premiums in their communities. Premiums support environmental initiatives like beekeeping, protecting the pollinators their crops depend on.  EE is committed to fully traceable supply chains to counter the child and forced labor problems in West Africa. 

Thank you for supporting small-scale farmers, their communities and the environment with your purchases of fairly-traded chocolate, nuts, coffee, fruit, tea, cocoa, and olive oil.

 …and what does the Divine require of you, but to do  justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?  Micah 6 :8

Thank you for supporting small-scale farmers, their communities and the environment with your purchases of fairly-traded chocolate, nuts, coffee, fruit, tea, cocoa, and olive oil.

Full-flavored, fairly-traded, organic, wholesale prices for you; the gift of life for the growers/ producers as members in the Equal Exchange Co-op.

Plus, Organic Virgin Olive Oil and Dates from Palestine.

Available on the cart on Sundays and whenever the church office is open.

Baking supplies! Chocolate chips (55%), baking cocoa, almonds, pecans and cashews.

Fairly-traded, organic, wholesale prices for you; the gift of life for the growers/ producers as members in the Equal

Exchange coop. Available on the Fair Trade Project cart on Sundays and whenever the church office is open.

New on the Fair Trade Cart—Mind, Body & Soul Coffee (whole bean).

Blend of medium and Vienna roasts—smooth & creamy with chocolate notes.

Community Blessing Box Offerings

Jesus said, Go and do likewise Luke 10:37

As you consider offerings to the Community Blessing Box, here are some items we’ve found to be in great demand:

Food items

· Individual size heat ‘n eats in flip-top cans

· Snack crackers (Lance, Keebler, etc.)

· Pop Tarts

· Individual size cereals, apple sauce/fruit

· Canned/packaged chicken/ham/tuna salad, spam, beef jerky

· Spaghetti sauce (paired with boxed pasta)

Personal care items

· (small) Toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, deodorant

· (small)(bottles) Laundry soap, fabric softener/dryer sheets

· Tablets & pens

· Toilet paper

· Socks

· Wash cloths

Special thanks to Kathy Stewart for managing this vital ministry.

WELCA Quilters meet to do their work 2nd & 4th Tuesdays., 8-noon,and always welcome helping hands. Thanks to these hard-working women for their ongoing ministry. The quilters are always in need of your donations of new or gently used sheets.  Thank you to all who support this ministry.