
We offer fair trade items on our cart, purchases can be made daily from 9:00am till Noon and on Sunday mornings.

Help your coffee, tea, and chocolate purchases make a difference!

Equal Exchange & Fairtrade products make a difference!

St Matt offers Equal Exchange fairly-traded products at wholesale prices throughout the year. Fairly-traded means that everyone in the supply chain is compensated fairly and is able to work in a healthy environment. Equal Exchange trades only with farmer cooperatives who vote and together decide how to use their premiums in the communities. Premiums support environmental initiatives like beekeeping, protecting the pollinators their crops depend on. EE is committed to fully traceable supply chains to counter the child and forced labor problems in West Africa.

We regularly stock 3 kinds of coffee, 13 teas (including the newest—Lemongrass Ginger and Hibiscus), 3 cocoas, 9 varieties of chocolate bars and 2 of chocolate chips. Olive oil and Dates from Palestine, Cashews, Tamari-roasted Almonds, Pecans and dried Mango are also on the cart.